What Is Involved In The Cheek Filler Process?
As we age, we lose facial volume, which causes several changes to the face, such as cheek flattening or sagging. This is due to a shift in facial fat and collagen loss, which can make the face appear older than a patients biological age.
In addition, areas of the face lose structural support, and the uniform distribution of face fat around the cheeks, mouth, eyes, forehead, and temples alters and gradually declines as we age.
Plump and round cheeks begin to sag and sink, resulting in hollowness behind the eyes or the tear trough area. Lips begin to thin and lose plumpness, resulting in vertical lines.
As a result, a young, full face seems older and thinner. Here, we explore what’s involved in the procedure and the advantages of the cosmetic procedure.
What Is Cheek Filler, And How Do They Work?
Cheek fillers, commonly known as cheek augmentation procedures, provide volume to the cheekbones. Dermal fillers are utilised to generate that quick ‘plumping’ impression, restoring and enhancing the volume of the cheeks and giving shape to the natural cheekbone structure, reconstructing the face’s youthful features.
The procedure is customised to your specific face shape, needs, and objectives, and the filler is injected to improve cheek size, definition, and contour. This allows for cheek enlargement and lifts the mid and lower face.
What Is The Procedure?
The procedure consists of injecting dermal filler to the cheek area to achieve volume and definition to the area. The process will take approximately 20 minutes, and you will feel some pressure to the area.
It is recommended that you refrain from sleeping on your cheeks for the first several days after receiving the treatment. Instead, make an effort to sleep on your back with your head facing the ceiling.
You should also avoid hard exercise for at least the first 48 hours following the treatment, as this will allow the filler to assume its form completely.
It is important to refrain from touching your face and to keep it as clean and dry as possible for the time being until the possibility of infection has gone.
How Much Will It Cost?
The cost of your cheek fillers will be determined by the type of dermal fillers recommended to you by the nurse at Injxu Cosmetics. You and the nurse will discuss the filler and cost required to achieve desired results.
To properly discuss the procedure and delve into the process further, you can read more here and reserve an appointment with the team at Injxu Cosmetics.
Advantages Of Cheek Fillers
Cheek fillers can improve your overall appearance by giving your face a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Treatments can be tailored to increase volume, contour the face and cheek area, or improve the overall cheek area.
Other benefits of cheek fillers include:
- Create a more young and appealing appearance
- Reduction of fine lines within the area
- Cheaper alternative to invasive plastic surgery
- Very quick recovery
- Low infection risk
Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us if you have any questions regarding our cheek filler procedure or any of our other cosmetic procedures at Injxu Cosmetics